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"Trust, Surrender, Receive."
Life forced me to surrender.
I am happy that I can now pass on
this gift.

My development as
Somatic therapist (since 2020)
Breathwork Teacher, Jun' 23 with Michael O'Mera
Osho Rebalancing Bodyworker, Jan '23 with Rasal Antar
Shamanic work with Iboga, since '21 with Victor Borg
Spiritual Body De-Armoring, '21 with Manik Reuters
Space holder for psilocybin, '21 with Roos-Veerle Krijnen
Space holder for Somatic Therapy (Hakomi), '20 with Shachar Caspi
Psychology (Master of Science), 2017 FU Berlin

"If you feel too big for the small things,
you are too small for the big things."
Manik Reuters
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